Its been nearly a year since I posted last.
I have been all over the place, and nowhere at all.

Purchased gear, sold gear, broken gear and bones.
Gained weight, gained happiness but lost the will to want to share with anyone at all.

So many ideas in my mind on what I want to do and share but get all bogged up and clogged. I have no interest to actually do what I say I will. Not depressed, just not excited to do anything, the feeling that what I capture has no value of time or of importance.

Its been 2 years since I said I would do a people project, I started it and already feel like I don’t want to do it much further, but lets see, hopefully this will re-spark my photographers motor again to do work for me, things that matter to me and not just doing work for clients for a paycheck, that’s where the soul of the art goes to die.



“I don’t like saying when “I grow up, I’ll be this or that”, I already am a photographer… I’ll get better as I grow older, yeah. But I already am what I say I am. Not what others say I could be one day” – Altri 11 year old Film maker / Photographer